Vitamin D and good health

Many people know that they need Vitamin D for healthy bones.

They also think that they receive plenty of Vitamin D from sunshine.  This is only partially true.

First, old people do not produce much Vitamin D in their skin and those who live in northern countries like Scotland receive so little sunshine that we need Vitamin D supplements every day (NICE Guidelines).

Vitamins are named from the early idea that they are “vital amines”.  They are not produced by the body in enough quantity and they need to be supplied either in food or in supplemental tablets.

Next, it takes about one to two months of daily Vitamin D to build up adequate stores to fight infection, and each infection knocks down the level and needs time to recover the body stores.


Vitamin D is important not only for your bones but also for fighting infection by boosting your immunity.

Vitamin D is not routinely measured  by General Practitioners in Scotland but they are measured in the Galilee Medical Centre in Israel.  During the coronavirus pandemic all the patients in the Critical Care Unit (CCU) of the Galilee hospitals had low levels of Vitamin D.  In other words, if you had adequate levels of Vitamin D you may have caught Covid 19, but you would probably not end up in CCU.

An adequate dose is four thousand international units every day.  This will absorb calcium from your diet, but in order for the calcium to go into the bones you want to take vitamin K2 along with vitamin D3, and this is available in one tablet.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C goes through your system quite quickly so spread out your intake by breaking the thousand milligram effervescent tablets into four, then take each quarter about every hour to maintain a good level in your system. 

As soon as you feel any symptoms of a cold or sore throat, take Vitamin C to boost your immunity.

Listerine and sore throats

As soon as you feel a sore throat, don’t cough or the viruses may get through a small tear in the lining of the throat caused by rough coughing. Instead, gargle with Listerine to nip in the bud any surface infection from these tickly viruses causing the sore throat. Prevent them getting inside your system by killing them while they are still on the surface of your throat. Why wash your hands but not wash your throat when you develop a sore throat?

I have explained the procedure more fully here.

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