Secular morality and sex

Secular morality is replacing Christian morality in public life, and not for the better. It is often said that the Christian church is 'hung up' on sex.  The reality is that human beings are hung up on sex, whether they are Christian or not. The historical attitude has run its course Fifty years ago, it …

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Redefining racism and antisemitism

The current antisemitism furore in the Labour Party is about redefining antisemitism and what people call racism. There is only one human race. We live in an era that is redefining the most basic terms, redefining marriage and gender by self-declaration, supported by the Prime Minister Theresa May. It is a feature of current society …

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Megaphones in public demonstrations

In the light of President Donald Trump's recent visit to London and Scotland, the following letter was sent to London and Glasgow national newspapers.  Although it raises a significant matter for debate, it was not published. Sir,The flying of a giant balloon of a baby Donald Trump over London, and its tour around the UK, …

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Before or from the foundation of the world?

There are many misquotations of Scripture that need to be corrected.  I will gather over time a list of them here and put them into biblical order for easy consultation, but beginning with the one in the title of this blogpost. I will also supply mnemonics or the rationale which will help people to remember …

Continue reading Before or from the foundation of the world?

Identity politics and perceived racism

Identity politics and perceived racism are combining into an explosive mix. Racism should not exist because there is only one human race.  This is one example of the poor use of language in our poorly educated society.  Rather, the issue is different ethnicities and how much emphasis one puts upon these. Kenhinde Andrews, the author …

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