Governments and criminal behaviour

Media commentators frequently confess that they do not know why Governments act as they do in particular circumstances.

For example, the US President Joe Biden has authorised cluster bombs for the war in Ukraine, which kill civilians and children and are condemned by 123 countries including the UK. So why did he do so?

In the UK, Government policy often rides roughshod over local opposition and imposes Government opinion on an unwilling population. Why do they risk the wrath of the electorate?

Various NGOs and quangos push on with their agenda regardless of local opposition.

Parental rights are overridden in UK sex education policy and Christianity is being squeezed out of the public square. No longer is conscientious objection permitted and parents are not even informed of what is being taught to their own children.

Why is this happening?

The answer is because each group no longer feels accountable and they think that they can get off with their behaviour. It is as old as the Bible itself – “they get off with it” Mal 3:14-15.

Criminal behaviour

Criminals have always thought that they can get off with their crimes, until the law catches up on them. Until then, they think that they can elude the law and in recent years they are correct. Criminals have discovered that there are not enough police, courts and prison places to deal adequately with their crimes.

Governments and powerful elites in NGOs and multinational corporations and institutions have discovered the same. It is because they so frequently “get off with it” that they behave as if they are not accountable to anyone and push on with their agenda. “Power is right” is the current axiom.

The politics of “catch me if you can” applies to both criminals and Governments.

However, as the Westminster Shorter Catechism puts it in expounding the Third Commandment: “however the breakers of this commandment may escape punishment from men, yet the Lord our God will not suffer them to escape his righteous judgment.”

“Prepare to meet thy God.”

Amos 4:12


20 Jul 2023: the barbarism in Hindu India has gone viral and the news presenter on Wion comments that “when human beings sink into barbarism there are no depths to which they will not go.” Wion broadcasted Prime Minister Modi’s response, which is simply an authoritarian backlash, appalled at being caught out “on his watch”, promising that the guilty will never be forgiven, a sentiment repeated by the newscaster. Protests of righteous indignation are not enough; we have heard them before. What is more to the point, I saw nothing to admire in the Prime Minister’s response nor in the Wion television newscaster’s presentation. They are devoid of the message of the Christian Gospel. The assault was on the 4th May 2023 but made national headlines only two months later after it went viral. The calls to remove the videos were supported by Wion. This can be justified out of sympathy with the abused, but it is better explained as an attempt to cover up the state of Indian governance. The filming of human wickedness through the 20th and 21st century will form an archive for students during the biblical Millennium to demonstrate and confirm”the depths to which” human barbarism can go, as the basis for the need of the Christian Gospel. The Wion newscaster never mentioned that the barbarism was Hindu youth abusing and humiliating Christian women, nor the widespread attacks on Christians [at 19:21]in the aftermath. Is it not newsworthy, or is it more cover-up of India’s shame?

29 Jul 2023: Mark Dolan Tonight on GB News: “It’s human nature. If you don’t think you’ll get caught, you will commit at crime” [his emphasis and his mistaken opinion at 21:11, and 21:21]. Such people need a change of human nature. Jesus Christ can change them 2Cor 5:17.

2 Aug 2023: a judge says that the UK cannot cope with the number of offenders [at 19:39], the UK is a more lawless country and knife crime is out of control in London [at 19:41].

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